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HB Special Products Technical Leader

We are looking for an HB Special Products Technical Leader to join our Special Products Sales Department under the Assistant General Manager of Gray Cement Marketing and Sales at Çimsa Çimento Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. If you are interested in developing your professional career, send your resume and cover note to us. As a member of Special Products Sales team at Çimsa, you will be responsible for: Graduate from universities in Mechanical or Electrical-Electronic Engineering (preferably with a master’s degree). Experienced in Machinery, Mechanics, and Construction Equipment. Experienced...

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Maintenance Leader (Mechanical)

We are looking for a Mechanical Maintenance Leader to take part in the optimization and development of our production processes at ÇİMSA Mersin cement factory. As a member of engineering team at Çimsa you will be responsible for: To create mechanical periodic maintenance plans for the equipment in the area she/he is responsible for, to ensure that maintenance and repair activities are carried out in the planning of revision activities, Updating maintenance plans for existing equipment, Determining the needs for the materials required for maintenance activities and ensuring...

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Bakım Planlama Lideri (Mekanik)

Afyon fabrikamızda bakım-iyileştirme-geliştirme faaliyetlerinin planlanması ve yürütülmesinden sorumlu olacak“Bakım Planlama Lideri” aramaktayız. Nitelikler: Üniversitelerin Makine Mühendisliği bölümlerinden mezun, Çimento ya da ağır sanayide mekanik bakım veya bakım planlama konusunda en az 5 yıl tecrübe sahibi, Ekip yönetimi gerçekleştirmiş, İyi düzeyde İngilizce bilen, SAP modüllerini kullanmayı bilen, Afyon’da ikamet eden/edebilecek. İş Tanımı: Sorumlu olduğu alandaki ekipmanların mekanik olarak periyodik bakım planlarını oluşturmak, revizyon...

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